Redo Mathematics and Physical Science with Master Maths!

Mathematics rewrite with Master Maths.

After a successful 2015 and the launch of our IEB Mathematics rewrite programme, we are very pleased the IEB has granted us permission, to also offer Physical Science as a single rewrite subject!

Learners can expect the same set-up for the Physical Science as Mathematics was set-up last year. All tuition takes place at our centres, where our tutors can support learners when they need help. Some centres booked all their IEB learners to attend their lessons at the same time. This worked well, as learners could build their own support groups with people working towards the same goal!

We saw some great success with our Mathematics programme last year, and this year looks like it could be a repeat of this! The number of enquiries that have come through for this year have been amazing, and our exam candidates are signed up for this year and ready to go!

Our physical science programme has an added interest point, as learners will need to completePhysical Science IEB upgrade programme. a practical component, consisting of a few experiments. The physical science authors had a great time figuring out what learners would need access to, and ensuring all experiments are safe for learners to perform on their own.

Master Maths looks forward to continuing and growing the relationship with the IEB. In so doing, more learners will be helped to reach their goals of further study and future opportunities!

Registrations for the exam at the end of this year have now closed, but learners can sign up for our two year programme, where they can start working through the curriculum this year, and complete their lessons, SBA and exam next year.

Learn more here.
