A free photoelectric effect module for you to view and share!

Welcome to one of our Master Science modules! This module is the second one on the photoelectric effect, which is part of the Grade 12 curriculum, and therefore assumes certain knowledge from the first module. A learner in our centres would never be asked to do this module without having done the preceding one. Viewing it will help to provide …

Writing an Investigative Report

Investigative reports form a large part of the physical science curriculum for Grades 10 to 12. Each year normally has a project like this, which constitutes a large percentage of your SBA (School Based Assessment). Checklist for writing the report of a physical science practical This list should be read in conjunction with what your teacher has told you. Practical …

Redo Mathematics and Physical Science with Master Maths!

After a successful 2015 and the launch of our IEB Mathematics rewrite programme, we are very pleased the IEB has granted us permission, to also offer Physical Science as a single rewrite subject! Learners can expect the same set-up for the Physical Science as Mathematics was set-up last year. All tuition takes place at our centres, where our tutors can …